I think every woman should have a "I mean business" bag in her collection. By this I mean a bag that you would feel comfortable (and confident) wearing in a professional setting, or any situation in which you don't want your bag to stand out for one reason or another. For me, the Saint Laurent Bellechasse is that bag.
Named after Rue de Bellechasse, the street of Saint Laurent headquarters in Paris, the gorgeous Bellechasse is the ultimate classic black bag. There's something about how understated it is that really spoke to me when I first noticed it. Its shape, the square lines, the black leather and suede combo that I can't resist - it all goes together beautifully.
As someone in her early thirties, sometimes I still need to remind myself that I am, indeed, an adult. There are times (at least for me) when wearing a handbag with a logo or monogram just doesn't feel right - whatever the circumstance or event, and instead I reach for something understated. This bag has proven time and time again that being uncomplicated does not equal being boring.
Still in my collection? Yes.
Interested in learning more? https://www.farfetch.com/shopping/women/saint-laurent-medium-bellechasse-shoulder-bag-item-12189072.aspx